Ashe, a young woman from the streets of the flying city of Amperstam learns what it takes to be a member of the Aerial Guard, and finds herself at war with an invading empire and the rulers of the city she has sworn to protect! The official prequel podcast to The Battle of Blood and Ink!
The Fables of the Flying City theme was written and performed by Russell Collins.
Book One: Ashe of the Air
Episode 1 – The Business of Scars
In which we meet our heroine, the honesty of the Provost is questioned, a private is made, a pilot is discovered, the elements of shooting is described, and a barrel finds itself in a dangerous predicament
Episode 2 – When Angels Leave
In which we see the consequences of recklessness, our heroine stands tall, an acrobat is revealed, a tall woman despences disiplinary measures, tattoos are shown, and for a brief moment, an angel is seen.
Episode 3 – Gatling Strides Forth
In which a new voice is heard, the joys and downfalls of Sultansport is revealed, a heart is mused upon, and a writer travels up.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield, for reading this episode
Episode 4 – Soldiers’ Mess
In which the merits of deserts are discussed, uniforms are described, gentlemen are introduced, a rival makes her presence known, a fight is broken, and soup is flung.
Episode 5 – A Time of Extreme Reality
In which a new world is entered, a sharp woman is introduced, the longevity of legends in discussed, a pilot is noticed, a warning about knives and body parts is given, and lies are not told, despite what one may wish.
Episode 6 – The Consequences of Soup
In which a cavalcade of food in paraded, smoking is finally allowed, where to place blame is considered, Ashe’s future is discussed, the usefulness of consequences are questioned, and how much soup forgets is revealed.
Episode 7 – On My Blood
In which a night visitor calls, a pilot is defended, the wisdom of Consaguine is expressed, healing is given, a tale is suspended, a kiss is planted, a lack of beer is lamented, and a pillow is weaponized.
Episode 8 – A Bitter Brew
In which the Provost is argued with, an Empire is flown over, the capability of the Guard is judged, tea is requested, what Vrussian do with their time is considered, no interest in debating theoretical topics is shown, and engine is described, as well as the horror it evokes.
Episode 9 – Games For Liars
In which a plane roars to life, launchings and landings are commanded, stomach contents are released, a specific spleen is mentioned, beer is drunk, the escalation of revenge is discussed, rules are given, and a conclusion is reached.
Episode 10 – Grand Reveal
In which friends are implied, wagers are made, liars are called, an immense pot is procured, mugs are slammed, guesses are made, and a grand reveal is witnessed.
Episode 11 – Fall To The Edge
In which a city is veiwed from an unlikely point of veiw, the cost of flying is weighed, an exception is requested and denied, a push is enacted, a flight is plotted, a neighborhood is envied, a razor is clipped, an observer is netted and an armada arrives.
Episode 12 – Gatling Has No Trouble Squinting
In which an old voice returns, the oddness of the wind is mentioned, a hotel is appraised, the wealth of the wicked is tallied, definititons are relaxed, scrolls are hunted for, docks are seen, piracy motivations are considered, and the temperature and sweetness of fruit is judged.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield for reading this episode.
Episode 13 – Story Marks
In which salve is applied, scars are fingered, tattoos are traced, lightning storms are recollected, faces are unknown, Consaquine is quoted, a want is gotten, speediness is praised, and how a main character learns to live is explained
Episode 14 – The Hunger of Empires
In which a familiar voice returns, the trouble with empires is described, a history is listed, what a fictional Vrussian does with his time is revealed, what a real Vrussian does with hers is compared, a crusade is considered, and a hunger is described.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield for reading this episode.
Episode 15 – Priceless Beyond Measure
In which the situtation is claimed to be simple, flying makes thing complicated, threats are hinted at, a city is claimed, the reasons Father Vrussia goes to war are revealed, a warning is given, a message is promised, the price of secrets is stated and the first blow is braced for.
Episode 16 – Paying For Image
In which motives are questioned, the craftmenship of Vrussian hulls are discussed, a turtledove is revealed, gold detaling is reasoned, nicknames are confirmed, and the order no one wants to hear is given.
Episode 17 – Gadling Knows Her Weapons
In which Gatling’s weapon of choice is revealed, a sword flying through the air is described, the mental state of average Amperstam citizen is beyond understanding, an analogy using both moths and flame is utilized, a sword flying through the air arrives again, and the beauty of a sharp weapon is shown.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield for reading this episode.
Chapter 18 – Watered And Running
In which wings are ordered to be earned, a pilot has second thoughts, a secret is revealed, an alternate life is described, how one dies is denied, a head is screwed on straight, a warship is approached, and the secret of the Vrussian Aerial Force is revealed.
Episode 19 – Storm of Confusion
In which a trap is seen, enemies are revealed, a mission is scrubbed, a mind is changed, a battle is fought, a soldier shows them how its done, a boiler explodes, the cavalry arrives, and the consequences of war are driven home.
Episode 20 – Gatling Weighs In On War
In which Gatling makes her presense known, war’s lack of complexity is noted, the twin side of bravado is revealed, the moment we’re living in described, the promise of the Aerial Guard is considered, the score is counted, stone is preyed for, and the dead are listed.
Special thanks to Jennifer Summerfield for reading this episode.
Episode 21 – The Raptorwife
In which the Raptorwife is sought, a children’s rhyme is remembered, the birds are denied, blood is brought up, Ashe presses her point, money is turned down, the body remains, the furnace is offered, and Hanner Gatling arrives once again
Episode 22 – Beyond Mistakes
In which our heroine crashes with an old friend, a balloon launch is plotted, Gatling’s breath is ablaze, the wisdom of Kivings is reveals, Jobrani travels beyond mistakes, the Vrussians know the custom, a debt is created, and sarcasm is employed.
Episode 23 – A Warrior of the Future
In which a hotel is entered, a young man is met, a boyfriend is denyed, a soldier is described, a room is witnessed, a technique is learned, a destination is revealed, and a promise is made.
Episode 24 – Owing Amperstam
In which a rogue reconsiders, alternatives are suggested, arguments are shot down, numbers are calculated, certainty is questioned, a baker ruminates, shutters are considered, and hope is measured out like grain.
Episode 25 – The Proud Angels
In which Gatling’s language of choice is revealed, a knowledge of Chelmois is found useful, a buzzer is bottled, Gatling’s height proves a hinderance, a scout ship is scandized, a dirigible is descsribed, the origins of the seige are considered, and Gatlings knowledge about kicks and starving dogs is revealed.
Episode 26 – Twelve Planes
In which Ashe explains what their goals are, Mari expresses doubt, Tolban pleads to be serious, the important thing is discovered, gliding back is declined, an explosion occurs, followed by many more, and Ashe holds her tongue.
Episode 27 – The Pieces Left Behind
In which Ashe is found, the Officer’s Mess is suggested, what it takes to be Captain is hypothesized, how to destroy the Vrussian Empire is described, an oath is reminded, motivations are revealed, pieces are left, a price is quoted, and one piece is chosen to remain.
Episode 28 – Peddling Life
In which a mother is not expected, a request is denied, daredevil stunts are discouraged, the training of horses is considered, a dream is deferred, a gentleman of the bottle is placed in an uncomfortable spot, easy money has evaporated, a boy is disappointed, a package arrives, and things are much worse than they seem
Episode 29 – A Necessary Act of Hell
In which the Provost sets pen to paper, a history is recounted, a dream is regretted, a heart is weighted, a yoke is taken up, beliefs are mistaken, a future is envisioned, and a fool’s cap is worn.
Special thanks to Jerry Rudasill for reading this episode
Episode 30 – Someone Should Be In Heaven
In which a place in the afterlife is assured, a governship is declared, a symbol of might is imagined, a knife finds its mark, a letter is sent, a key is exchanged, a man takes to the air, a horror is witnessed and a price is accepted.
Episode 31 – Takes All Kinds
In which a situation is dificult to understand, Tolban thinks logically, an Ace of the Air is needed, Ashe gets one better, Mari grips her pillow, a barrel is rolled, a scout ship is slammed against, a door handle is found, and Gatling pays a price for joining in.
Episode 32 – Balancing on the Fulcrum of Causality
In which it all goes boom
Episode 33 – Ashe of the Air
In which our heroine is not believed, a liar is called, the wrong parts are thrived upon, descriptions are given, one Ashe lives on withou the other, a silly goose is named, a title is denied, Slanger can’t hear, memory is pulled upon, advice on betting is given, Ashe says goodbye, and then moves on to the next adventure.
Book Two: Mouths Of The Dead
Episode 34 – A Night At The Circus
In which a girl is in trouble, a light brings no warmth, a door is threatened, blending is acheived, acrobats are miscounted, inquiries are made, an old friend lends a helping hand and a new adventure begins.
Episode 35 – To Stand In The Center
In which a secret is revealed, a old friend holds a hand, swinging leads to flight, support collapses, a ring is intimidating, Grayson refuses to be swallowed, origns are revealed, and claim of ownership is tested.
Episode 36 – Familiar Connections
In which Cardor knocks timidly, a hotel room is veiwed, condensation caves are visited, Ashe is there for the water, a collection of caps is surveyed, a boy spits, a larger picture is seen and a fan is revealed.
Episode 37 – Old Heubal’s Will
In which Old Heubal lays forth.
Episode 38 – Trouble At The Library
In which the size of the library is revealed, help is offered, a statue goes unnamed, the police are called, violence ensues, short work is made, a request is revealed as impossible, and a voice lurks in the shadows.
Episode 39 – The Sand To Do It
In which a man is identified, a chase is given, guns are fired, a librarian is distraught, a leap is made, a tower is contemplated, a rogue is introduced, legs are admired, a Redlaw is threatened, and sand is appraised.
Episode 40 – Cardor Lends A Hand
In which Cardor is resistant, Ashe pushes, Cardor demures, Ashe pushes harder, stratagems are plotted, plums are plundered, low temperatures are enjoyed, Cardor’s imagination is questioned, a clouddog is dismissed, another is discussed, and Castigir Redlaw is generous to his son.
Episode 41 – Bones Below The Streets
Episode 42 – The Ossuarist
In which a floor is not a floor, tea is served, wares are shown, a dragon is described, who runs alone is quantified, murder is considered, the use of a skinner box is mentioned, and Ashe finds the stuff that dreams are made of.
Episode 43 – Above The Six Evils
In which Cardor attempts to clean up a mess, Ashe leaves in haste, a murderer is accused, the police are called, a chase is given, Ashe considers a choice, and a leap is made.
Episode 44 – Mouths of the Dead
In which our heroine is caught, a skinner box is occupied, a ringmaster makes an appearance, the system is believed in, money changes hands, Cardor is denyed, paper is printed, and adventure begins anew.