Monthly Archives: December 2022

Presents of Mind

She’s giving.

Usually I don’t post a picture in a tight dress until New Years, but I’m feeling generous.

It’s the season of giving, and I have been fortunate enough to receive some presents early. First off, The School Library Journal has named Galaxy: The Prettiest Star as one of the best books of the year! This is an incredible honor, and it is so amazing to see Galaxy up there with books I have read and know are just luminously brilliant. A “must buy” recommendation from the School Library Journal means that a lot of school libraries are going to be getting Galaxy. I hope it helps all the little queer babies lurking in their school libraries searching to make sense of themselves.

Discover the rich history of DC’s LGBTQIA+ Superheroes in this inspiring gift-title featuring detailed character profiles and comic book artwork

Celebrate Pride with DC’s LGBTQIA+ Superheroes.

Written and curated by DC expert Jadzia Axelrod, The DC Book of Pride profiles more than 50 LGBTQIA+ characters in detail, including Harley Quinn, Superman, Nubia, Robin, Batwoman, Aqualad, Dreamer, Green Lantern, and many more. Discover their fascinating origins, amazing superpowers, and key storylines.

“DC expert.” You know what that means, dontcha? None of you can argue with me about Batman anymore.

In all seriousness, I’m very proud of this book. It was a wonderful thing to research, diving deep into the histories of these characters and finding new reasons to love each and every one of them. This isn’t all of DC’s queer characters–there’s about 200, for starters. But this is a great introduction if you’re not familiar. And again, good for the queer babies.

And yes, Galaxy has an entry. Alysia Yeoh, too.

Another gift I’ve received early is that a handful of family members have come out as queer or trans to me in the past few months. As a public and approachable queer and trans person, I am accustomed to friends doing this, but the recent bravery of my family members to be honest with themselves has made my heart soar. When I came out as queer, I felt very alone my own family, a single rainbow thread in the more earth-toned tapestry of our familial connections. But being that bright as its benefits, not the least of which is that it gave others the courage to show off some colors of their own. It fills me with joy that the members of my family who are Family don’t have to feel alone, myself included. I’ve been smiling the whole the time writing this paragraph. Just ear to ear.

I saw an image on Instagram that said “Be so completely trans that everyone else feels safe to be trans too,” which has always been my goal. And if that’s not the gift that keeps on giving, I don’t know what is.

Good luck with the dragon.